wow i cant believe it. . .
morons can spell/call Christian Dior as Christine Dior
it's like the lowest grade of stupid people you can get.
maybe they spell Prada as Prata
look at the link to see it yourself.
-deleted her blog due to my vicious comments :X-
btw the
freddy krueger i was talking abt, was this hideous moron.
super bad photoshop skills, and super bad camera, super bad of everything.
btw if your wondering why all the pictures's white balance is extremely badly set
or what so ever. . .
fyi she have really x3 bad skin, just like freddy's, im totally serious.
ok enough bitching i need to repent. . .
OMGADESS why am i wasting time on some bimbotic-i-have-itchy-pussy-moron.
ok i have to dry my hair :D