ahhhhh.... ok workload is killing me,
srsly im stressed out.
but anyway i had fun yesterday or say today too.
but i still can't grow up what do i do?
for only today i find them, srsly thinking that I'm not a trash or a burdern to the society anymore. I do have skills. please don't praise me for that skill, i srsly don't diserve it. I just learn it at my free time it's not even acceptable standard yet. But well anyway I feel happy helping.
Maybe i should consider freelancing too instead of 100% fashion design.
heres some advice take it or leave it.
no offence, im just brutally honest.
1)atrocious color coordination.
2) horrendus design priciple.
3) awfully trashy,wannabe look.
4) look in the mirror if ur over-doing.
5) always being a fashion no-no.
i really want you to be better.
maybe to you, you look hot, cool, etc and you don't care,
good for you i admire ur guts and all.
do some research on dressing, really look thought magazines, as in really observe.
then u'll srsly know where you went wrong.

orgasmic raspberry cheesecake from coffee bean must try if you love
berries and
maybe next time i should complie the cakes and make a top ten must try cake list.

ok im hooked to my cousin's ds, play this tamagochi game.
okok i know i haven't grow up yet.