my manager,
I wish him good luck :)
he's gonna dance with music
everyone is going,
so am I.
let's just see who is the boss now :)
workplace is getting more and more arsed up nowdays
the good people are leaving and the bad people stay.
just like in the movies the good people die first
the bad guys live but in the end they
DIE too.
Hah. . . It's come karma,
what goes around comes around.
so better watch out, watch your back :)

白子 is a little pissed. . .today
She dislike the rain.
but i love it so much. . .
I love photoshoping
I can spend the whole day doing it.


did I scare you with my hideous face?
I should get drunk more often. . .
dad is understanding me more?
but why is mum not being understanding this few days?
but anyway I love her still?