Someone has a friend who is a pain in the arse...
Horny bastard.
Rot in HELL.
Ugly fat arse ain't my friend.
Count himself lucky, mirror doesn't break when he look into.
If it break, it will cut him distorting his cock sucking face.
Everyone will insult, so bad he comits suicide.
And stay in hell for eternity.
Nothing better to do, picking fights with a girl.
I bet he only has a 1.5, straw like dick.
Shit, I'm too mean, I shall rephrase it he is dickless.
Tired to quarrel.
Enough money?
Presents for friends and family?
Christmas is coming...
Hope to be with my good friends.
Chalet was fun.
Though it was a failure.
Swam with Ernie. Ernie bathe the longest yet he blamed that I bathe the longest.
Maybe both of us was long.
Nothing better to do.
Pull out matresses, and screamed eeeee...
Matress was spermified.