Yesterday was nice, today was nostalgic. 44 ~ 45 more days more days to endure till I go 'bersek'. It wasn't as easy as momma said. Many waves of tension and twist of uneasiness. Damn the stupid feeling, but there is 40 plus more rounds for me to fight it. 1h & 15 there was nice back was shit, how I wish could be accompanied like in the morning. Papercuts here and there like a rag doll puppet how silly. Finally through the dislocated dark stairs, feeling rather creepy.
Nodding nodding...
Finally I arrived at angel's arms, feeling bliss again...
And back to heaven...
And angel suddenly turned into a nosiy tape recorder...Buzzing right beside your ears.
Now with the stupid hands of mine my eye ball is like fish ball, with strawberry flavour...Oishi~