-Alienate -
1. To cause to become unfriendly or hostile; estrange: alienate a friend; alienate potential supporters by taking extreme positions. See Synonyms at
2. To cause to become withdrawn or unresponsive; isolate or dissociate emotionally: The numbing labor tended to alienate workers.
Alienated, I'm being alienated...It's not the 1st meaning but the 2nd one -> To cause to become withdrawn or unresponsive; blah blah blah...I just wanna hang out with some good friends of mine...They seemed ever busy, I don't mean one or two...It's like everybody even in the freaking msn messanger, well I did went out with a friend yesterday. I don't mean that everything they do or what so ever they must tell me, it's like time and time I ask someone out it's never successful well yea sometimes it is successful. Again maybe I'm being my sensitive self again, complaining here and there making a shit hole fuss. Sometimes I feel like the extras in a movie, walking around pretending, people don't even notice you...Well, if what I say about my friends and life is wrong...Just 'shoot' me back.
I think I shouldn't expect so much from the people around me, since I'm already prepared to be spending my holidays alone at home playing the computer,sleeping,eating,watching tv, wasting my life...Awww how boring, well thats my life, boring and uninteresting. Hopefully this will change soon, hopefully... Actually today Ilario asked me if I wanna go to an IT fair but I just didn't wanna join them. It's rather pointless ya? Going there to look at stuffs when you have no money, by the way I don't have money for even a bottle of water.