Hi I'm me again...I'm back...But not for long, but I'm very sure I'll be back on the 19 November as my O level's examinations will be over. So I'm here to update on the stuffs I've done This past month...
In the friends department...I'm still hanging on...Still waiting for someone to pick me up as his/her best friend, I can be posessive at times not like I'm gonna lock them up. I just want a best friend who only has me but of course they have other friend too...Argh just let it go with the flow...I'm person who, I think seriously need some TLC from friends which I have been deprived from all along(Did I use the righ preposition?! LOL)...
Now about 60% of my premliminary art work studies are done, and lots of room of improvement...There's this senior teacher who came and check our preliminary studies, say I really have potential :D Whooo~
Hang out with some old primary school friends on Teachers' day. It's rather boring...Ok it's not, I'm really happy that I could still keep in contact with them and now out with them, I did not talk much though..Thats me after 5 years and still changing...I was a loser and the dumbiest in primary school, the clique I was with was all smarty pants...One which I 'labelled' her as best friend disregarded me, I guess this is life eventually everything leaves you. In the end you walk the lonely road alone beat,weakling,tormented,scared...But not forgetting I still have God with me...But I can't stop thinking there is no body there for me...
Misundstanding,arguments,cold 'war',vengence,hate,wrath,disappointment...Runs in my family...Not all but between my aunt Jazz and aunt Ezther, I don't know what to say about aunt Ezther...Weird attituded person is all I can say. Anyway, cousin Ed,aunt Jazz & Ezther are shifting out soon, the place they are shifting away was bought by a developer. Oh Jazz got a really wicked place, I maybe staying there with my mom tonight prolly with my Ed too.
Got a call from my good buddy Jack from Aussie yesterday. Boy am I happy to get his call, he never fails to be so enthusiatic in talking to me...But from what he sound...He sounds tired...Poor Jack. Trying hard to climb the social moutain, which is so tiring...Trying to fit in the cliques, but they just 'push' him away...Man, this is like what I felt the last 2 years, it SUCKED big time. Anyway, three cheers to Jack my man.
I was unstable awhile ago, man, it was like someone pushed my hard on my head and I go giddy. I thought it was earth quake. Freaky out of the sudden. So anyway, for today nothing much I think...I maybe going out to Bugis to get Emily Strange bagie or Nightmare Before Christmas bagie. I just asked if I could go but mum just answered me with a big
NO! Seesh when will it ever be a yes...And when can I buy some stuff...Why are we so so so poor? I've been wearing the same clothes everyday, I wonder if anyone noticed...Oh and finally I need need need to get an acoustic guitar...My fingers are itching to play one...
Oh yeah yeah and I've cut my hair here's a picture...

Ok I know I'm ugly :) Now my hair is even shorter than this

Koi pond...Tropicana...

Entrance to koi pond...

Fattest koi I've ever seen in my life...
K man, I'm done in here.