Re-vamped my blog, feeling proud of it wahahaha! But of course there is room for more improvements...But anyway I will use it for a long time before I change another.
Feeling rather depressed today...Mum keeps on nagging...I don't wanna go school tomorrow but being forced, it's only national day celebration tomorrow, there's no lesson. Argh I'll play by my own rules...I'll just get a medical certificate tomorrow then everything's settled. Just $4 bucks for a medical certification. I'm still sick yea, but feeling much better...I keep on coughing non-stop, which made my abdominal ache whenever I cough, just like muscle crams LOL! So hmmm....I'm building up six pack after all this cough...How interesting...
Still depressing, about stuffs...
LINKIN PARK not entering the view choice nominee, actually...I think it's pretty much my fault, because I didn't voted for them on thursday. There is voting contest, I felt unfair as it is only for US residents...But you see, I vote for them the whole morning before I got to school on wednesday & I forgot to bring some important stuffs for school, and only for US residents...I felt unfair and stopped voting. Overall, I've voted for them for about + - 500 times already...I'm feeling pretty guilty now...
Secondly, the rumour
LINKIN PARK not comming to Singapore ever again...This is really really really sad...
Ok I think some of you guys may think I'm damn retarded...But you'll never know how does it feel like being a hardcore
LINKIN PARK fan. I'm ain't no more a person who is happy go lucky or a optimistic person ok...
Mr. Hahn...He is pretty dorky at times but there is something in him which is so uber cute & sexy....Especially when the period of time when he is fit. Looking at his picture makes me drools all the time :x. I can't stand the way he poses in the photo taking sessions...There is something about his poise, his eyes, his mouth...ARGH *nose bleeds*! Rock on my pretty boy <3

Dorky, but really cute Mr. Hahn...

Wooo Mr. Hahn with shades sexy~

Papercut music video taking session- somewhat stern & uber cute Mr. Hahn...Just nice of everything perfecta!~ <3~