HI! Back again...Math lesson was the first period of the day...Boring I know so I took this picture...

It's Momma eraser and baby eraser...Ok I know I'm being lame and retarded, but it is cute right can't deny it WAHAHAHA!!!So anyway,
CHEMISTY TIME! Mixing stuffs up is just so fun, but I hate doing the worksheets...Here's some cool solutions I made...Colorful...

Looks like blood :)

Add alittle sunsine...
Anyway nothing much for today...Just these and yeah my friend took a picture of me with glasses wahahaha! So geeky...Anyway I don't wear those, those was borrowed...Here...

And...My teddy's head dropped off...(T_T)

Oh yeah for those who are wondering how bad my grades could get...Click
*here* to find out...Do me a favor...Don't laugh...LOL...Ok I'm laughing...