I finally know how much I meant to them...Although I have lost my most precious friend of all, I gained 2 more...She always claims that I am her her best friend and all, but the harsh reality she is just decepting me, again and again, I'm really tired...I always looked up, so proud of you and this is what I get?! But at least now I know who are the bunch of people who really cared for me...
Anyway, what happened these past few days are just misunderstandings. I'm the one to blame, stupid me I 'm just so sensitive...I'm really sorry to cause you all so much pain, torments and anguish...I'm just being selfish all along what you for only myself and no one else. But at least I got all of you back right, and our friendsip maybe alittle much stronger. Thinking back they really be there for me when I really needed someone...