It was raining for the whole day...Felt very cold blah blah blah not much happen...My life is boring as you can see. I am starting a money saving plan, it is not really a plan...I calculated the total amount of pocket money if I save them all, but anyway I wasted today's savings again...Today is a good day to sleep because it is cold unlike sunny days so hot and stuffy at home, so anyway I slept throught the afternoon...Woke up and ate fried fish noodles for dinner, my mum bought that for me. So anyway now I am trying to sketch and brainstorm some stuffs for my art preparetory, actually I already got a plan of what I wanna paint for my canvas and do for the preparetory, sketching somemore after this. Oh yeah now my dad is little pissed...I don't know about what...Anyway who cares he is always pissed at something without any reasons, even he has he may not tell me and I don't wanna know...Not interested at all...