...What a tiring day...I played the Sims 2 University the whole day today, like any other days...I think shoulda better stop soon before I get out of hand. If the computer worked faster I may have stop ealier because I did not get to my target in the game, the computer takes a damn damn damn long time to load...About 5-15 mintues damn, don't you think that is long? No choice it's better to have a shitty computer than to have no computer at all...Actually my computer ain't shitty just because it is infected with some kind of stupid virus. Everyday is passing too fast...Too fast...Have to complete my art stuffs by tomorrow, don't know what to do...Because I just did a in-si-ween-si tiny little bit. I made sushi for Yenn and Mabel today, felt really happy about it...Ernest tried a piece...All of them said it's great maybe ... :) Had an interesting history class today learing about China's history, I guess I am a boring person...Or maybe not... ~End~