The computer is back the internet is here...But unfortunately the computer is alittle infested by some unknown virus. Some virus scans I used online and downloaded was totally useless they can't detect the virus...There is lots of problem happening like mouse over the all programs but list of programs don't come out, not that is is empty I explored it and it has a few programs in it. Plus the computer works extremely slow like when playing game and all...At times it jams....Very soon I am gonna reformat the computer once and for all wipe all that shitty viruses all out, like flushing them outta the toilet bowl ahahahaha! I got to Marine Parade ealier on to get the Sims 2 University...I got there by bus, I had a tough time man! The bus was really full I had to stand right next to the bus conductor, then when I almost gonna reach the destination there is this woman stand at the right side of me...Keep on bumping into my BUTT! Irritating...Anyway The sims 2 University was really fun...But the timming is not really good ah...Downloaded a few skins from The Offical web, all of the skins were really cool! Especially the Cloud and Aerith ones they were skinned almost alike to the advent children one...So anyway Jack if your reading this please give me ur handphone contact number or something ok I missed you buddy! Okie my time is very up I am supposed ti shut the computer down by 11pm ya...Friends so if u want to chat with me be sure to be online before 11pm ok! Ciao...~