It has been really cold these days raining continuously. Hmm I got a question for you people when snow melts what does it becomes? I am getting a new power supply for my computer I guess that is where it is spoilt hopefully, and hopefully soon enough after I get everthing inorder in my computer I could play The Sims2 soon...I can't wait...My holidays is damn boring, I am like a pig eating and sleeping and eating and sleeping whole day look just don't know when I am gonna be slaughtered...Let me recap what happen the yesterday...I went out with Muii and went over to my aunt's house to use the computer and after that we went out to have dinner and was at Plaza Singapura, and check out some toys at action city...And now I am aimming to get a really adorable, soft and furry plushie kehehehe it's really KAWAII!~ Anyway just now when I alighted the taxi geez....I got into a disgusting pile of water and dirtied my right leg with dead grass sands and some crappy stuff luckily no mud, did not notice it because I am aimming for a shelter after alighting the taxi...I think that all for today nothing much happened...Oh and good luck to all my friend who are taking the O levels exam especially my cousin, and also
Happy Birthday Becky don't be sad ya I will celebrate your birthday after your exams I promise you!~ Your my only best friend...