Let me tell you a story...
a story and life of a milk tooth
Once upon a time there lived a tooth
it looked so fine and white,
healthy and nice.
Due it's owner's bad hygenie habits.
it started to die slowly

No matter how it was scrubbed polished,
flossed and gargled.
However, toothy didn't get better
toothy's body part started to tear up.
one fine day it broke into 2.
It almost died.

Toothy struggled
with life,
though it lost side of it's body.
one day it found a new friend.
they had good time together
but good time always doesn't last forever.

Gums holding toothy soon fell out
Finally, it's time.
Due to lack of nutrition supplied to it.
Toothy rest peacefully after 3/4 years of struggle
I think my blog could be featured on rotten.com
due to this really disgusting dead body of toothy's

So thats the end.
Oh for your information,
to help toothy die smoothly peacefully and fast.
I pry it out using my nail.
and of course it it kept on bleeding.